CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Recommended Modules * Installation * Setup in AWS * Configuration * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ The Amazon Cognito module provides an integration against Amazon Cognito. When this module is enabled, all user authentication flows are handled through Cognito, including User Registration, User Login, and Password Reset. * For a full description of the module visit: * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit: REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires the following module outside of Drupal core: * External Authentication - RECOMMENDED MODULES ------------------- * OpenID Connect - This module can be used to allow logging in with other identity providers. Install OpenID Connect and assign a domain to your User Pool. This way, you'll use the AWS hosted login form which can handle signing users in with Facebook/Google/SAML and your own User Pool which this module will be registering users into directly. INSTALLATION ------------ * Install the Amazon Cognito module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information. SETUP IN AWS ------------ Step 1: Create AWS key and secret 1. Go to 2. Create new key and secret from the "Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)" tab Step 2: Creating user pool and app 1. Go to 2. Go to manage your user pools 3. Create a user pool 4. Choose "Step through the settings" 5. Select "Email address or phone number" 6. Make "Email" required 7. Go through the next steps using default settings until you reach the create an app step 8. Add a new app 9. Uncheck "Generate client secret" 10. Check "Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication (ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH)" 11. Create app 12. Go through the next steps and create pool Step 3: Get the user pool id and client id 1. Get the User pool id from the "General Settings" tab of your user pool to place inside your settings.php (see below) 2. Get the client id from from the "App clients" tab of your user pool to place inside your settings.php (see below) CONFIGURATION ------------- Currently the module only supports a "Email" Cognito flow process, which basically means email is used for the unique identifier. You must set this when you create your User Pool, it cannot be changed later. In the future support for a "Username" flow will also be added. Here are the relevant configuration details that are required: ``` $settings['cognito'] = [ 'region' => 'us-east-2', 'credentials' => [ 'key' => '', 'secret' => '', ], 'user_pool_id' => 'us-east-2_XXXXXXX', 'client_id' => '', ]; ``` MAINTAINERS ----------- * Ben Dougherty (benjy) - Supporting organization: * Unearthed -