* @file
* Theme override for a language negotiation configuration form.
* Available variables:
* - language_types: A list of language negotiation types. Each language type
* contains the following:
* - type: The machine name for the negotiation type.
* - title: The language negotiation type name.
* - description: A description for how the language negotiation type
* operates.
* - configurable: A radio element to toggle the table.
* - table: A draggable table for the language detection methods of this type.
* - children: Remaining form items for the group.
* - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the wrapper element.
* - children: Remaining form items for all groups.
* @see template_preprocess_language_negotiation_configure_form()
{% for language_type in language_types %}
set language_classes = [
'table-' ~ language_type.type ~ '-wrapper',